Leadership Assessment & Development

“Hiring the wrong leader can be costly and damaging!”
Partner with Gaia Human Capital Consultants to ensure you find the perfect leader for your leadership role.
Dawn Dzurilla
Founder & Managing Partner
Talent assessment must change in the era of the Great Resignation
- The Fast Company Executive Board
Gaia’s Sustainability Leadership Assessment offers clients to uniquely evaluate talent through the lenses of leadership, technical and executive competency and also ESG, Sustainability and DEI. Learn more
“For Gaia to effectively meet the distinctive ESG/Sustainability Leadership talent needs for our clients, increasingly we need to develop assessment frameworks that uniquely serve each of our client’s needs.”
— Dawn Dzurilla,
Founder & Managing Partner
Gaia Human Capital Consultants
Gaia’s Candidate Scorecards are provided for every client search.
Gaia’s Candidate Scorecard quantitatively assess the skills, traits and qualifications that a candidate must have in order to be successful in the upcoming role.
Gaia’s scorecard defines the role and often the scorecard is the basis for the interview process with client stakeholders.
Organization’s stakeholders . . .
Are better able to assess and quantify desirable skills, traits and qualifications of every candidate;
Have a clearer vision on the details of the role;
Reach accordance on the attributes necessary for an individual to be successful in the role;
Reduce unconscious and implicit bias in the hiring process.